The Cupertino Library Foundation Teen Advisory Council invites all Middle School Students to participate in the Super Summer Science Search S⁴ Contest from June 13-August 1, 2020.
Participants will explore S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) in their project selection. This year they will identify a unique problem stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic and present a creative solution to address it. Students can enter individually or in teams of up to three members. Cash prizes will be awarded!
Students will gain valuable skills like database research and data gathering and analysis, which are crucial for today’s world. They will develop interpersonal skills like team management, project organization, and have opportunities to engage with high school mentors. Past contestants have gone on to enter the Synopsys Science Fair and other prestigious competitions.
To learn more, join our Kickoff Meeting via Zoom on Saturday, June 13th from 2:30- 4:30pm. The link to the Zoom and all information for S⁴ will be posted on our Google Classroom (Code: ortzr2j). We hope to see you there!
Register for S⁴ by July 1st by using the form linked below. Incoming 6th to graduating 8th graders are eligible. *Students! Please do not use your school email when registering for the contest and Google Classroom*. Registration form: .
For more information on S⁴ and TAC, email us at!
The Teen Advisory Council
Cupertino Library Foundation
