Hello! To those of you who attended our first Study Session, thank you so much for being there! Here's just some follow up regarding answers to issues as well as a heads up for the future!
Google Classroom It was brought to our attention that our Google Classroom has reached its maximum limit, but do not fret, we decided to create a second Google Classroom for those of you who weren't able to join. Code: 5auud5k. **Please note that if you are already on Google Classroom, please DO NOT join this one!!** Registration Registration had officially closed. Hope everyone has already registered!!
Study Session 2 Study Session 2 is on July 11th, from 2:30 pm-4:30 pm! The zoom link is the exact same as Study Session 1! You do not have to join, but we highly recommend you do. At this Study Session, we will be covering Essay Structure and MLA Formatting. Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87612140358?pwd=NFAwQWlNUUVHRUVUQWJTYnR1bExaZz09 If you have any questions, feel free to email us at s4@cupertinolibraryfoundation.org, chat with us on our website, or reach out to us on Google Classroom! Thank you and we look forward to this S⁴ season with you! Regards, TAC